My Vision
I am born and brought up in Bengaluru, India. I am highly motivated, hands on and practical in my approach to design. My background in mechanical engineering gives me a strong foundation to build on and develop new skills to enhance my design thinking. By integrating the principles of design and engineering I strive to successfully create products and systems that add value to our civilization. My philosophies in life are grounded in my cultural roots and guides my work to help me design with moral and ethical values in mind. The values of tradition, sustainability and modernity will be reflected in all my designs.
Master Of Science in Intergrated Product Design
Delft University of Technology 01/09/2021 - 23/08/2023
Completed the degree with a grade 9/10 for the thesis in which I designed a novel paradigm to integrate haptic feedback along with virtual co-embodiment. Full paper of this work published in CHI 2024. Advanced concept design of 'Biowaste collection and processing unit' selected by the Municipality of The Hague for future implementation.
Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
JSSATE, Bengaluru 01/09/2021 - 23/08/2023
Completed the degree with a final grade of First class with distinction. Actively involved with academic and cocurricular activities. Worked on modular stand assist for elderly as a part of Graduation project. Furthermore, I received training on Structural analysis using Finite Element Method